LED Text Scroller

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

++always and always++


i always like that.. still do the same things... "ayah tunggu ye..."... "umi tunggu ye...".... i dont know why,, but it kind of like habits.. nak masuk toilet mesti kena ada teman.. even peneman tu da tertido kat luar... :D.... so,, tengah2 malam these scene will be happen.... :D

even tak MAK,, AYAH pun jadi.. they always do and wait for me... even i'm 23 years old!! :D.. oh my!! i'm a big girl already... but who cares,,,,  i still want to my mom or my dad wait for me while i'm doing my "business".. hehehhe... so please,,,, be with them while you can... and for me,, i always want to be with them.. always and forever... insyaALLAH... 

note d kaki: JOM KITA MENGUNDI,,, are you on??... are you in the mood of PRU13??... 

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